Floaters or black spots in eyes generally appear when tiny pieces of vitreous gel break loose within the inner back portion of the eye. The vitreous gel, which is generally in a gel consistency, begins to dissolve and liquefy as the person becomes old. Few undissolved particles may seep out and appear in various shapes like tiny spots, specks, flecks, and cobwebs. These floaters and spots drift aimlessly around and may cause inconvenience in people’s vision.
Most floaters are harmless and generally do not require any treatment. If the condition becomes serious and the patient is finding a problem with vision, the specialist could suggest epiretinal membrane surgery in which the doctor removes the vitreous gel completely and replaces it with saline water. If they find the membrane is damaged they would use other techniques to treat it.
The common symptoms of eye floater are:
- Appearances of small dark specks or transparent strings appear as floating in the patient’s vision.
- Spots that move with a patient’s vision and disappear when the patient tries to look at the spots.
- Spots mainly noticeable while looking at a plain bright background
- Small shapes that settle down and drift out of the line of vision
These symptoms can be ignored if the patient does not face many inconveniences. However, few signs that call for immediate attention of doctor include:
- Many eye floaters than usual
- Sudden onset of new floaters
- Flashes of light in the same eye are floaters
- Darkness on one or both sides of the vision
These symptoms are mainly painless and are a result of retinal tear. In few cases, retinal detachment takes place which makes turn into sight-threatening condition if not treated immediately.
The condition pertains to the eye, so it is very important to seek the advice of experts.
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