A detachment of retina happens when the thin layer of the light-sensitive nerve cells at the back of the eye peels away or detaches from its support tissue. A detached retina surgery becomes vital as it saves the person from losing sight permanently in that particular eye.
The initial stage of peeling off affects only the small part of retina, but if it is ignored or not treated immediately, the patient would lose vision in that eye. This condition generally occurs only in one eye, but can be termed as a medical emergency and requires immediate attention of retinal surgeon Melbourne.
Individuals who have experienced severe myopia, or patient suffering from diabetes, people who had complicate cataract surgery and those who received a severe blow on the eye are more prone to this medical condition. Age could also be a major reason for this retina condition. If the patient has experienced such a condition earlier or there is someone in the family who has faced similar situation, then the risk factor id high. These patients need to look out for the following symptoms:
These symptoms need an immediate visit to the ophthalmologist. None of these conditions is painful. The expert would conduct the tests and suggest the best path to follow that not only helps in saving the vision but also in the patient’s budget.