Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Timely Visit To Retina Eye Specialist Can Save Your Eye Vision

A retina eye specialist is a medical doctor who specialises in the primary field of ophthalmology. The professional also completes an additional training of two years on training in the field of diseases and surgeries related to retina and vitreous body. 

A retina is a light-sensitive tissue that helps in producing images. It further sends signals to the brain so that a person can see. The vitreous is a gel-like liquid that fills the space between the eye lens and retina. Any retinal surgeon in Melbourne or anywhere else would first remove this liquid to operate on the retina.

The most common condition that these specialists treat is the detachment of the retina. In this condition, the layer of tissue at the back of the eye pulls away from the tissue around it, because of which retina cannot work properly. If the problem is not treated immediately, there could be loss of vision permanently.

There are chances that patients with severe nearsightedness can experience this problem. A family history of retinal detachment or people who had an eye injury or cataract surgery can be prone to this eye condition. The most common symptoms for this eye condition are

  • Flashes of light
  • Recent cases of floaters
  • Darkening of peripheral vision

The other common problem that these doctors treat is a retinal tear. In a few cases, the retina gets torn and the fluid inside the eye can leak underneath and separate the retina from the underlying tissue. 

Generally, the eye condition can be diagnosed by an eye exam. Eye drops could be prescribed for dilating the eye. Special tools are used to check the level of the tear. Early detection would help to prevent vision loss. Floaters and flashlights are common symptoms in this condition as well. Therefore, it is important to visit an eye specialist on observing these symptoms to protect eye vision. 

Friday, 21 June 2019

Know The Secret Behind Epiretinal Membrane Surgery To Help Patients With Vision Distortion

Macula, the centre part of the retina that aids in reading, driving, recognising complex shapes etc. At times, scar tissue grows across the macula, as the membrane shrinks, it causes a problem in retinal tissue that requires epiretinal membrane surgery.  The procedure is suggested because the macula cannot work normally if it is not performed. Patients would face a problem with a few daily tasks, but the problem would not lead to blindness.

The only way to treat an epiretinal membrane problem is vitrectomy eye surgery. Glasses or eye drops are not effective. During the procedure, the ophthalmologist makes a tiny cut in the eye and removes all vitreous liquid. The specialist uses a forceps, to peel of the membrane gently, from the retina. Generally, small stitches are used to close the cuts, which dissolve naturally in a period of four to six weeks. A pad and shield are put on the eye, after the procedure to protect it.

Specialists in the field decide if the patient needs the surgery or not. The main reason for the surgery is to correct the distortion in the central vision. If the patients are not facing any visual problems, then the corrective procedure is not suggested.

If patients face the regular problem of distortion while performing daily activities like reading, driving, or other important activities, then the surgeon would go for the simple procedure. If patients do not prefer the surgery, they would face a problem with their daily activities. The surgery is not a preventive measure but helps people as their vision is distorted because of the problem in the membrane.

This problem is more common in people above 50 years. In a few cases, this problem arises with patients had eye surgery or inflammation in the eye.

Patients need to contact good eye specialist for any problem related to eye because that particular organ plays an important role in everyone’s life.

Friday, 7 June 2019

5 Conditions That Need Attention Of Retinal Specialist In Melbourne

A retinal specialist in Melbourne is a doctor who treats diseases and conditions related to the retina (it is a light-sensitive layer of tissue, lining the inner surface of the eye).  The retina is a crucial part of the eye and plays a vital role for a human to see an object.

Though all conditions related to an important part of the eye does not need the attention of a retina eye doctor. The few conditions that are treated by these specialists include:

  • Retinal tear: The symptoms of this condition include flashing light and floaters. This happens when the vitreous liquid shrinks and tugs the thin layer of the tissue lining at the back of your eye.

  • Retinal detachment: The condition occurs when some fluid accumulates under the retina. It usually occurs when a fluid passes through the retinal tear.

  • Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetes would cause the blood vessels to leak fluid and in to and under the retina that could cause the retina to swell and distort vision. 

  • Macular hole: This condition affects the back part of the retina caused mainly because of abnormal traction between retina and vitreous. In a few cases, it can be a result of an injury.

  • Macular degeneration: The centre of the retina, macula begins to deteriorate. It would lead to blurred vision and blind spots.

If a patient observes any of these symptoms, it is better to consult a specialist immediately. 


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The retina specialists that are working with Retina Doctor are considered as pioneers in the field by the peers. They are best when it comes to detachment surgery, vitrectomy surgery, eye floaters and flashes, macular hole surgery, detached retina surgery and many more. All such and the cost are minimal. Visit them today or call (03) 9689 6608.