Eye floaters also known as black spots in eyes appear as small spots that drift through field of vision. These spots stand out when you are looking something that is bright like white paper or blue sky. These annoying spots generally don’t interfere with your sight. A large floater can cast a slight shadow over your vision, but it happens only with certain type of lights. Generally people learn to live with floaters and ignore them as time passes. In very rare cases the condition needs treatment.
Eye floaters are common and cause no harm. In few cases these floaters can be a sign of an underlying health issue or developing eye condition. Common conditions that trigger eye floaters include
- Age: As people age, the vitreous liquid in the eye tend to become more liquid and start to leak. This condition requires mocualr hole repair in Melbourne to eliminate the black spots.
- Near sightedness: When people face problems while seeing far away objects, but have no problem in seeing nearby objects. This condition is commonly known as myopia. If the problem is not treated, it could alleviate and also cause other problems like black spots.
- Migraines or headaches: Black spots can be said to be symptom of migraine headaches. In few cases it has been observed that regular migraine can cause vision problems like aura which involve flashing lights and blind spots.
- Posterior eye inflammation: Inflammation in the back of eye can cause release of inflammatory debris into vitreous that can be seen as floaters.
- Eye bleeding or a torn retina: When an eye bleeds or a retina is torn, the blood can escape in to the vitreous liquid, thus giving a look of floaters to patient.
These are few cases when patient face eye floaters or black spot condition. A proper treatment is must in severe cases.