Thursday 8 August 2019

4 Common Conditions That A Retinal Specialist In Melbourne Treats

A retinal specialist in Melbourne is a medical doctor who specialises in ophthalmology, sub-specialization in disease and surgery of the retina. The specialists are highly trained in treating all types of diseases related to the retina. 

The retina is the light-sensing tissue and is responsible for relaying images to the brain. It is responsible for an individual to read, write, drive or see fine details. A problem in this part of the eye can affect the vision and cause blindness in certain cases if proper care is not taken.

The most common problem that a person can face with retina include:

  • Mocular degeneration: this age-related eye condition cause central vision loss. Patients with the problem are suggested mocualr surgery in Melbourne so that they do not loose eye vision. The common symptoms of this eye condition are blurry central vision, warped straight lines, difficulty in focusing on fine details. There are few treatments if the condition is detected in an early stage.
  • Floaters: If the patients observe spots in the sight of the vision, that could be a cause of floaters. This condition can be caused because of age or severe nearsightedness. The jelly substance, inside the eye, turns into liquid form and small clumps cast their shadow on the retina. Floaters can be the result of a torn retina. If the tear is not repaired, it can cause retinal detachment.
  • Diabetic eye disease: Diabetic patients are more prone to retinal damage. Blurry vision, double vision, floaters, pressure or pain in one eye are the most common problems faced by these patients.
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa: It is a rare genetic disease that causes retinal degeneration. Vision loss gradually declines as rods and cones disappear. Night blindness is one of the earliest symptoms of this condition.

Experts suggest that it is better to visit an eye specialist the moment one notices a change in their vision. Some changes can be benign while others can be an indication for serious underlying problems.


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The retina specialists that are working with Retina Doctor are considered as pioneers in the field by the peers. They are best when it comes to detachment surgery, vitrectomy surgery, eye floaters and flashes, macular hole surgery, detached retina surgery and many more. All such and the cost are minimal. Visit them today or call (03) 9689 6608.