Tuesday 19 March 2019

Importance Of Visiting A Retina Doctor For Vitrectomy Macular Hole

Retina is a tissue in the back of the eye, used for recording images we see and sending them to the brain, with the help of optic nerve. The central part of retina is macula which is responsible for central vision and for seeing fine details. This small part of retina allows us to read, drive and recognize face and colors.

A retinal disorder affects macula that can cause problem with sight and in few cases can lead to blindness. There are different problems related to macula. Few of them are listed below.

Macular degeneration

This condition causes damage to macula and is responsible for many people to lose their sight who are above 50 years. Blurred vision is the common symptom for this retina problem. Over time this blurred vision may grow larger and would develop black spots in your central vision. This condition does not lead to blindness by itself, but loss of central vision can lead to hindrance in daily activities like driving, reading, writing and other daily activities. There are different types of macular degeneration. 

The most common treatment is macular degeneration injections for the early stages. These injections are believed to provide relief to patients. 

Macular hole

A macular hole is a small break in the macula which causes blurred and distorted central vision. These holes are generally found in people who are above 60 years. Vitrectomy macular hole is a surgical procedure in which the vitreous gel is removed to provide access to retina. Once the gel is removed, the hole is repaired and then filled with a bubble containing a mixture of air and gas.  This bubble acts as a temporary bandage that holds the repair in place till it heals. The bubble goes away on its own while eye heals.

Retinal detachment

In this condition, the retina pulls or detaches itself from its normal position. If you do not go for treatment on time, you can lose your vision permanently. This retina problem is more common in people who are above 40 years. This condition is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention of a good ophthalmologist to save the patient’s sight.

Though there are other problems related with retina, these three are most common problems that could affect your eye sight.


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The retina specialists that are working with Retina Doctor are considered as pioneers in the field by the peers. They are best when it comes to detachment surgery, vitrectomy surgery, eye floaters and flashes, macular hole surgery, detached retina surgery and many more. All such and the cost are minimal. Visit them today or call (03) 9689 6608.